About CCS Poultry
Bringing you educational programs and individual consultation to improve the quality, safety and welfare of poultry and poultry meat and egg products.
Individual Consulting
• Food Safety / HACCP
• Process improvement
• R&D Formulation
• Animal Welfare
• First Processing
• Further Processing
Educational Programs

Casey Owens
Christine Alvarado
Christine Alvarado is an associate professor in the Department of Poultry Science at Texas A&M University. Her research areas include meat and egg quality improvements and processing efficiency as well as meat and egg food safety. Her work has resulted in improved process efficiency and reduction of quality and safety concerns during processing of poultry as well as patents and commercialization of food safety technology. Dr. Alvarado has also developed and conducted national and international educational workshops for the poultry industry including Poultry 101 and Poultry 201 courses. At Texas A&M she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Poultry Processing, Poultry Further Processing and an undergraduate capstone Poultry Science Systems course. She holds a BS degree in Biomedical Science and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Food Science from Texas A&M University.
Shelly McKee
Shelly McKee received her BS, MS and Ph.D. in Food Science from Texas A&M University. Her Ph.D. research focused on understanding the relationship of production and environmental stress factors during production on the meat quality of processed turkeys. After completing her Ph.D. she did a Post-Doc at Texas A&M in food safety to gain experience in food microbiology. Currently, Dr. McKee is with the USA Poultry and Egg Export Council (USAPEEC). She is the Director of Technical Services for USAPEEC where she focuses on promoting the trade of US poultry meat and eggs around the world by helping to interpret and negotiate animal health and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures on the behalf of the USAPEEC members the US poultry and egg industries.
Previously, Dr. McKee has been on faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and at Auburn University. She has published numerous articles in peer reviewed journals as well as trade journals regarding poultry meat and egg quality and food safety during production, processing and further processing. Dr. McKee has also been asked to speak and consult around the world regarding the safety and quality of poultry meat and egg throughout the production continuum.
For More Information Contact:
Christine Alvarado, Texas A&M University
Casey Owens, University of Arkansas
Shelly McKee, USAPEEC